Will Artem's head fall off or not? The nation waits with breath that is baited. I'm sure that's the dress she's wearing in the promo stuff, but in silver instead of green. I preferred the green, made her look like a Christmas pixie. Not quite sure about this one; all the steps were there and there didn't seem to be anything wrong per se, but there wasn't that zing. Seemed a bit slow, but that might be so Artem keeps all his limbs. Overmarked, would have given 8s.
Why are we talking about Artem losing his head? Is it because he is Russian? Frankie, you're a few years behind. Stalin died years ago. And anyway, I think he preferred death by firing squad. This dance made such an impression on me that now it's Tuesday - I am finally back online - I can't even bloody remember what dance they did. Was it a jive?
Ann and Anton
Ann appears to actually be dressed as a Victorian Hillary Clinton, Kate Winslet she ain't. I am however enjoying the band's rendition of My Heart Will Go On, it's rather good so maybe I should just close my eyes. This was actually crappety crap due to the total lack of content and to be frank, effort on Ann's part, they have given up and maybe it's time for everyone else to.
Oh poo to you all you moaning minnies. This was hilarious. Everyone's so grumpy at the moment - myself included - that a good laugh is oh-so-needed. Thought Anne's costume was a bit more tasteful than the yolk-of-very-genetically-modified-egg she wore in Blackpool. Anton shouting 'Iccceeeebeeerrrg' really, I'm quite sure, is set to be my absolute highlight of 2010.
Patsy and Robin
I am so mad they stole MY Argentine Tango song (look at the song recommendations from two years ago!), but damn it makes for a good dance. Not as technical as some other ATs, but I thought they had a real good go at the theming, intensity and story aspect. I didn't think the dress would work, seemed a bit frumpy at first, but thought it played out into some sort of cougar-esque story...maybe I look into this too much? And Len is right, you do not win being careful
Ah yes, I was sitting there in front of the TV thinking exactly the same thing. How dare they steal Frankie's Argentine Tango track? (She conveniently forgets that Kate and Anton danced their Ballroom Tango to it many moons ago, I think, circa 1926) I really liked this couple. We will miss them. We will not miss his vests.
Scott and Natalie
Quite enjoying Natalie's lemon bondage ballroom dress. I turned into Craig halfway through and started wailing about Scott's dangling free arm, too much ITT training footage for me. I'll be getting one of those Machines next. It was a bit oddd, like he was a touch tipsy actually! Put that 9 down Alesha...
Scott who? I'm bored of these. Like Kara, he's technical but dull. I'm turning into one of those idiots-what-votes-for-the-joke-ones but only I'm not voting. I haven't yet felt strongly enough to do so...though if someone starts threatening my Pamela, I may begin to...Anyway, Scott and Natalie. Meh. Oooh, just as a side note though, while I was in internet exile, I must admit he danced an extremely lovely jive. As sharp as a Halfpenny. Almost.
Gavin and Katya
Loved the outfits, the take on the Outkast video was so cute. Can't believe someone has not used it for a jive before, but it's going in the Wasted Song Choices category. I don't feel like he did much dancing in this actually, apart from a few kicks and flicks in a section. A lost chance to shake it like a Polaroid picture. I can also see Katya's knickers, oo-er...
Ha ha, great song choice. Really liked it. The dance was bloody awful but I think the glasses made up for it. Frankie hates Gavin. I don't hate Gavin. I don't care enough to hate him. He's just like a little puppy dog. What can't dance.
Matt and Aliona
Loved Aliona's dress, not to sure about Matt's floaty shirt. This was an American Smooth like no other, forget the foxtrot, this was part rumba. The facial expressions were a bit odd, but I really loved it and appreciated they tried to do something different with it. Thought the judges had a total downer on it, but the scoring wasn't too bad in the end.
So You Think You Can Dance? Whoops. Wrong show. Seems like Matt and Aliona thought so too. What was with that contemporary nonsense. It looked like they were trying to - I dunno - express through the medium of moooovement the paaaaain of suffferrrring in the world's raaaaiinfooorrressts. Or sumfink hippy like that. And it started so lovely. What a wasted opportunity. American Smooth so could have been Matt's thang.
Pamela and James
Expectations were very high for the campest of camp couples doing an insane dance, and they gave us slapstick by the bucketload! I really liked the song choice too, but thought it was all just a tad too slow to give it the proper manic quality. But I am nit-picking here, this woman is 60! How many times do we have to say it, 60! I also see the door from Scott and Natalie's jive has been given a facelift...
With those facial expressions, Pamela, it was like having a mish-mash of Karen Hardy and Camilla Dallerup back. That is a good thing. Crazy manic faces doth Strictly make. This was insane. In the best possible way. Loved it and love them. PamJam to win.
Wow, is that it? Sudden shortage of contestants...December is creeping up on us. Very sad to see Patsy go, would certainly have preferred Gavin to have gone on Sunday.