Saffron and AJ
She gave us a pretty good tango and surprised lots of people last week, so the pressure was on to bring a fun cha cha. She just about pulled this off: there were good moments during the dance, but the whole thing didn't really come together. I may be being a bit harsh, as it's still very early days, and she was able to do things like recover from a misstep. Plus neon Barbie carwash dress is definitely the way to go for an opening cha-cha!
Anneka and Kevin
After last week's gloriously naff 'jog around with a map' routine, I was very intrigued to see Anneka in some classic ballroom, and that beautiful dress to that somehow doesn't make her look like a bridesmaid. Kevin laid on the schmaltz for this, but it's probably what she needed to get into the character, and I think it worked. It was a simple but classic routine, with the slightly hamming 'running away' moment for effect. Onwards and upwards, Anneka!
Dev and Dianne
After last week's surprisingly capable and entertaining foxtrot, I was here to see Dev do something more energetic. This was cute and peppy but didn't really rock my world, although I did enjoying the knee-swiping interlude, I think he could be better in the loosey-goosey Charleston. A strong effort, but definitely showing the week 2 burn.
Emma and Aljaz
I was more on board for this, thinking the style of dance would suit Emma's poise, but it didn't really take off. As the judges said, there was a lack of attack, which probably didn't help with the random song choice - although I think I've given up on there ever being any good tango songs. Aljaz did at least put together a routine that looked like a tango and had some nice light and shade in it.
Chris and Karen
This was a sudden shot of energy into the evening, the man can swivel! Clearly not a Charleston for the ages, but Karen managed to draw a much better performance all round out of Chris. Even with the dodgy cartwheel of doom. He really does need to bed down into some ballroom now, but this week has hopefully been a valuable learning experience for him.
Emma and Anton
I can't remember the last time someone looked so uncomfortable throughout a whole dance, I really felt for Emma during this. I've seen people who are MUCH worse dancers than her just letting the pro carry them through with a smile. She clearly has potential for ballroom and I'm sure she'll get another chance at it, it's just clear this wasn't her week.
James and Luba
After last week's tango of doom, it seemed a bit harsh to give James a bouncy-jazz-handy jive, but then again I'm not sure what other latin would be better? Maybe a paso? He did however seem to come out of his shell a wee bit, and Luba sold it for all she was worth dancing around him looking like a vintage Americana delight. However, like last week, he did do all the steps and didn't forget anything, which is something.
Catherine and Johannes
I was really looking forward to this because 1) Mabuse samba and 2) we discovered on ITT this week that these two are an absolute scream. This came together pretty well and Catherine was able to sell it and did some good samba arm work for so early on. I appreciated the Oti tribute moves too, but I have to ask, where was the samba roll?! It's just not a samba without one. Very much undermarked considering this was a good effort both technically and performance-wise.
Michelle and Giovanni
I feel like every incarnation we see of this routine just gets camper and more panto every time. Have we finally peaked with the massive gondola prop and Giovanni presumably knocking someone out in the audience by throwing an oar at them? Despite the daftness, this was still a really good routine and performance from Michelle. I didn't think she'd take to ballroom hold, but she seemed to take it in her stride. I think she's here for the long haul.
David and Nadiya
The cape possibly wasn't a good idea, especially when it makes your partner giggle seconds into what is supposed to be a dramatic dance. Saying that, it was a nice classic paso routine and David seemed a bit more comfortable than last week's baffling number. He clearly isn't the best dancer and I'm not sure Nadiya is the best pro for him, but he's clearly trying and just generally seems like he wants to learn.
Karim and Amy
Foxtrot number 2 of the night, and this was very different experience, what a cracker of a routine! The little flourishes like hoping on the bench weren't overplayed and Amy clearly knew Karim could handle it. It was all very smooth and Karim transitioned to ballroom hold very well. Hurrah for a classy number.
Mike and Katya
'American Smooth, but with a twist' aka, faffing around quite a lot in a funny outfit. With lifts. I genuinely feared for Katya during a couple of those lifts. This whole thing was so disjointed it's difficult to comment on it, the attempts at actual foxtrot just looked out of place and surreal in those outfits. He'll probably be around for a bit for comedy value, but this one just didn't fly.
Alex and Neil
Alex is clearly in this for the j-word, and after last week's undermarked quickstep (Twitter is still not happy) it was good to see her grab the latin, and Neil, with both hands! Not technically amazing, but she's clearly finding her feet and has a good relationship with Neil to work through her nervousness. Again, didn't exactly set the world alight (we are really feeling with week 2 slump this year) but certainly bodes well for the future.
Kelvin and Oti
After last weeks sensational sexy samba surprise, you would think a waltz might be a bit staid for these two. But no! They brought a lovely routine and made sure a super-cheesy song just actually felt a bit emotional. Kelvin transferred to hold pretty well too. Yes, although Shirley laboured it a bit, it was not the most technically accomplished work, but it captured a mood and saw them working together as a partnership.
Will and Janette
Salsa to appropriate music shocker! However, I think that was my favourite thing about this routine; there was more jumping up and down than actual salsa steps, it just seemed like he was hopping on the spot and waiting for Janette to come at him for a lift. When he was doing some salsa basics he seemed quite good and was doing some hip action. Yes, it's good to finish on a lively number, but this one didn't do it for me.