This is just a Frankie-rambling for now, Clover will be here with a much more entertaining purple-tinged tirade once she has regained the use of her thumb.
Of course opinions can change in time but the first reaction is a BAAAAD one. Let me say right from the outset that I do like Alesha as a person and a dancer and always have done. But I get the feeling the BBC are taking the X-Factor competition a little too seriously...There is a perception out there that SCD is the show for families and not cool young things (but then again, how cool is the X-Factor anyway? who actually buys those god awful records?), so I can see why they have gone for Alesha. But in my opinion, what people sometimes see as an old fashioned nature in SCD to me is part of the show's class and charm that puts it above X-Factor. Strictly is pure entertainment whereas X-Factor is always trying to 'keep it real' (and usually failing).
One thing I can say however, is that if you had forced me to say one judge had to go I would have chosen Arlene. She just did not cut it for me last series; very few of her comments were actual criticism and instead seemed to be rehearsed soundbites more bothered with alliteration or a topcial reference. Her years of experience seemed to be going to waste. OK, Bruno might just shout and get over-excited but at least he's showing his passion!
Another thing that concerns me is that it will make the series all about people bitching about Alesha. No matter what she says or does people will complain about her. Yes, she doesn't have the experience of the other judges but we are just going to have to deal with that. She does at least know how to win the show, which is what all the contestants are after anyway! If there could have been any other replacement judge it should have been our favouritest dancer of them all...Karen Hardy!
The only thing I have left to say about the upcoming series is...SHARON OSBORNE?!
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