Sunday, 13 November 2016

Grans and Gangnam

It's that time of the series when the competition hots up and all of a sudden there seem to be fewer and fewer people coming down the spangly stairs. Thankfully, we get to spend all this week playing Blackpool Bingo, as it gets mentioned at least once every 30 seconds. Although were the costume people holding back this week? Not many stand-out-wow pieces or fun colours, are they saving their crystalising-strength for next week's all out camp spectacular?

Daisy and Aljaz
Well, there were SOME bright colours this week, although that strange psychedelic robe looked like a bit of an afterthought. This was a really hard routine from Aljaz, so full of steps and twists and turns but Daisy looked like she was taking it in her stride - she brought a confidence to it and flashes of performance gusto that we don't always get from her. There was enough salsa in here for me, it looked like Aljaz had at least tried - also, top marks for Daisy's 90s-high-ponytail-game.

Greg and Natalie
I had very high hopes for this watching training and Natalie's declarations of joy on Twitter, so the death slot was a bit of a worry, as were the terrifying trousers. However, these two smashed it, with so much drive and focus that I was SO annoyed when the judges suddenly went into picky mode - it was like Anita Rani all over again. The knee moves, the leap, the massive sections in hold, there is no way he could have done anything like that during week 1.

Rinder and Oksana
After last week's ballroom delight I was amazed he got another one and didn't have to do a tenuously-themed latin camp-fest, hurrah. Oksana pitched this just right in classic foxtrot territory and gave you all the steps you wanted to see, and all whilst wearing and unfortunate Laura Ashley cast-off that looked like it was meant for Louise. Love how they attempted to have a row about whether his heel leads were good enough, when most people don't even do them. I'll even forgive the Double Grandparent Card, especially since Grandad Rinder kept cutting in over Tess he was so excited.

Ore and Joanne
A rumba, arrrgh a male rumba, prepare to cringe people. This wasn't too bad in the end, but nothing to write home about. Great arms from Ore, but not enough hips, and as is often the case with the rumba I found it hard to watch him and not Joanne (who looks gorgeous). These two have such great chemistry you'd like to think they would have ramped that up but it somehow wasn't there. Oddly overmarked, but a tricky one to try and recover with after being in the bottom 2 last week.

Ed and Katya
After last week's ballroom triumph, they seemed to decide it was Ed's turn to do Around the World Week on his own, because who was actually waiting for a K-Pop themed salsa? After about 10 seconds I was totally into and LOVED it, Katya is a genius, there were even some salsa steps in there! The lifts were also really hard and very well executed, his timing remains, as does the sheer gumption of these two.

Claudia and AJ
The prop swing of legend is back! There was way too much faffing at the beginning of this, but once they finally got in hold it was a classic VW. There isn't too much to say really, although I do think it was her best executed ballroom dance so far. Also nice to see them dance to something suitable and not a tweeny pop song for once. Not sure why this was given so many more points than Rinder.

Danny and Oti
There'd been a massive debate on Twitter about this song from the moment it was announced, but I was always in the pro camp, its moody and driven by the bassline, I don't know what more you need from a tango song. Saying that, I think my expectations were a little bit too high here - it was good but I wasn't blown away. The footwork was amazing and as sharp as it should be, but you'd expect that after all the ringer-ness we've had from Danny this series. I didn't dislike it, but I'm not clamouring to see it again.

Kevin and Louise
Louise in the pimp slot? Oh you do surprise me...I actually found this dance really weird, there were so many bits and pieces that didn't add up to a whole. They never seemed to get into any actual foxtrot and were just high-kicking and jazzhand-ing all over the place. Also, I got the impression Louise was supposed to be sassy in that, but she was giggling away like she was doing a campy cha cha. Bit of a disappointment after last week's AT breakthrough.

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